Monday, January 28, 2013

Sense Perception Concepts

Blog reflection:
-name the chosen sense perception concept
-define or explain the chosen concept
-illustrate the chosen sense perception concept with two (or more) concrete      
a. one example from personal experience
b. a second example related to any named Area of Knowledge (AOK)

signal-detection theory (5)

 The Signal-Detection Theory is basically the acknowledgment of a sound that is actually there versus, the acknowledgement of a sound that is not really there.

A.) Last week, I was home alone at night. I am an only child, so therefore when my parents are out, I really am by myself. It was around 9:00pm and whenever, and I was watching a scary movie. (Not the best idea) I was already feeling a little bit on edge because I was home alone and it was dark out, and the movie was not helping. I heard a noise that sounded like a thump from outside, and jumped out of my seat. It turns out that the noise had come from my dog who had just jumped off my parents bed upstairs. This can be classified as a hit because there really was a noise, and I heard it. However, later on in the evening, I thought that I heard another noise, and jumped up to go investigate. As it turns out there really wasn't a noise. This can be classified as a False Alarm.

B.) An example from an Area of Knowledge would be if in theatre, on stage, an actor is told to pretend to hear a noise and to react to the "so-called" noise. This is another example of a False Alarm. Another example from the arts would be if another actor said something to the first actor and if the the first actor did not hear them. This would be considered a Miss.

Synthesesia, StroopTest, and Sense Perception

Blog assignment
Record data and your responses to Activity A: 3 & 4; Activity B: 7, 8, 11, 12

Activity A: 3

Trial    Number of Dots Percentage Change in Score
1          29                                      ---
2          29                                      0%
3          30                                      3.45%
4          26                                      -10.34%
5          32                                      10.34%

Activity A: 4
After playing this game several times, I realized that sense perception and reason greatly affected my score. The first time that I played, the game, I didn't quite understand how to play the game. I spent a lot of time looking for the next dot, and spent too much time trying to figure out if there was some sort of pattern, rather than just trying to play the game as quickly as I could. However, the second time that I played, I began to understand the game and I got the hang of it. I tried to touch the dots faster and faster, and my eyes began to adjust to the game. I realized that my eyes were scanning the dots for the one dot that stood out. In addition, touch also made a difference when playing this game. My score was affected by the amount of time that it took me to click on one dot and then to find and to go to the next dot. Sometimes, my hand wasn't fast enough to the next dot. The more times that I played the game, the better that I got at it. Every time that I played, I was faster, and therefore, my score improved. (One the fourth run through, I was distracted by the person sitting next to me, therefore I did not do as well.)

Activity B: 7
Synesthesia is a condition that a very select number of people have. This condition enables the person to hear movement, or to taste/ see a certain color when they hear a certain sound. Basically, when the person is using one sense, another sense is also perceived as if that sense was also being used at the same time as the first sense.

Activity B: 8
When I personally listen to various types of music, I usually associate that particular type of music with a memory or a thought. For example, when I hear classical music, I usually think of the piano lessons that I used to take, or of a ballet that I once went to. In addition, sometimes when I listen to different types of music, I will associate that type of music with a particular emotion, and then I will associate that emotion with a certain color. Therefore, sometimes when I listen to a certain type of music, I will see a certain color. For example, when I hear rap music, I usually think of anger because rap music is often about anger or bad experiences. Therefore, I think of the color red, because red represents anger. Hence, when I hear rap music, I think of the color red.

Activity B: 11

Word Set 1 Time= 9.806 seconds
Word Set 2 Time= 21.042 seconds

Calculate the Difference= Word Set 2 Time- Word Set 1 Time
21.042 - 9.806= 11.236 seconds

Activity B: 12
The Stroop effect is a demonstration of interference in the reaction time of a task. When the name of a color (e.g., "blue," "green," or "red") is printed in a different color than the name, (e.g., the word "red" printed in blue instead of red ) naming the color that the word is printed in is much more difficult than simply naming the color that the word says.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Vegetative State

Identify a real-life situation related to vegetative-state patients.

What is more important and should be honored, the wishes of the family of the vegetative state patient, or the patient's own wishes?

1.  Is it possible for a patient in a a vegetative state to make their own decisions?

2. Are the decisions of the person in a vegetative state influenced by any kind of medical drug that may be being administered to the patient at the time and that may have some effect on their mental capability and decision making process, and therefore
, should those decisions be valued and honored?

3. What decisions should the family be given to make? After all, a person in a vegetative state can not make all of their own decisions by themselves, what should their families have the power to do?

Your January presentation topic: (The value of yoga in schools)
state a real-life situation and write a set of KI questions

 If yoga classes were being offered in elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools...
1. Would the students benefit from yoga? How? (Medically, physically, emotionally, etc...)

2. What is the difference between how yoga would impact younger children in elementary schools versus how it would impact teenagers in high school?