Blog reflection:
-name the chosen sense perception concept
-define or explain the chosen concept
-illustrate the chosen sense perception concept with two (or more) concrete
a. one example from personal experience
b. a second example related to any named Area of Knowledge (AOK)
signal-detection theory (5)
The Signal-Detection Theory is basically the acknowledgment of a sound that is actually there versus, the acknowledgement of a sound that is not really there.
A.) Last week, I was home alone at night. I am an only child, so therefore when my parents are out, I really am by myself. It was around 9:00pm and whenever, and I was watching a scary movie. (Not the best idea) I was already feeling a little bit on edge because I was home alone and it was dark out, and the movie was not helping. I heard a noise that sounded like a thump from outside, and jumped out of my seat. It turns out that the noise had come from my dog who had just jumped off my parents bed upstairs. This can be classified as a hit because there really was a noise, and I heard it. However, later on in the evening, I thought that I heard another noise, and jumped up to go investigate. As it turns out there really wasn't a noise. This can be classified as a False Alarm.
B.) An example from an Area of Knowledge would be if in theatre, on stage, an actor is told to pretend to hear a noise and to react to the "so-called" noise. This is another example of a False Alarm. Another example from the arts would be if another actor said something to the first actor and if the the first actor did not hear them. This would be considered a Miss.