Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Self as a Knower

            From my own perspective, I personally believe that one WOK (Way of knowing) and one AOK (Area of knowing) that I feel most strongly reflect myself go as follows: One WOK that I connect with the most is Sense Perception. I learn the most effectively when I see, hear, feel, smell, and taste. I am more of a visual person and I learn better when I can see things written out or when I watch something happen. Basically, I learn more effectively when I am personally experiencing something.
            One AOK which I feel I am the most comfortable with is the Arts. I am very passionate about the arts. I especially love theatre and art. I personally feel that the best way to learn is through art; whether it is by acting something out or whether it is by creating a piece of artwork that expresses the knowledge that we are learning or that we are going to learn while creating it. For me, I learn more and remember things better when I learn them in a more artistic form.
            So far as an IB learner, learning through sense perception has been very effective for me. By using each of my senses I have been able to learn much more effectively because I am personally experiencing things and therefore, I am learning more and I am taking note of everything around me. I am also learning more effectively by creating posters (and other pieces of art) and by expressing myself through theatre. I learn by hearing what other people tell me and by seeing what I am learning or reading what I am learning. Sense Perception is the best way for me to learn because I am physically experiencing what I am learning, and therefore I am learning much more effectively through personal experience.
Art Therapy Materials